YGLP is an international leadership program for young people aged 11 to 25 years. Developed by Human Science Lab, London, the program aims to nurture young people into future global leaders.

YGLP was first launched at University of Oxford in January 2016. It was subsequently launched at University of Cambridge, Stanford University, LSE and several other Ivy League and Russell Group universities.

YGLP is an outcome of world-leading research on leadership and human excellence at the Human Science Lab with support from a consortium of transnational organisations and foundations.

The objective was to come up with a path-breaking model that could be used across the globe to create a new generation of leaders who can push the limit of human accomplishments to new frontier.

The YGLP Global Leadership Program is offered as YGLP Junior (Grade 6 – Grade 12) & YGLP Senior (College & University Students). All students completing the program are certified as ‘YGLP Alumni’ by YGLP Authority, Oxford.

The YGLP Global Leadership Program trains a candidate in world-leading techniques on motivation, planning, memory & learning, critical thinking, intelligence and leadership based on path-breaking research outputs.

YGLP ASIA 2021-22

YGLP Asia is an initiative by the Asia Council in furtherance of one of its key mandate of promoting leadership in the continent. It is administered through Asian Leadership Centre, a specialised organ and associate organisation of the Council.

The Council covering 48 sovereign states and 6 partially sovereign territories is headquartered in Tokyo with regional directorates in Bangkok, Doha, Chengdu and 42 country offices.

The program is delivered through instructional & resource materials shipped to the candidates and a set of Global Leadership Workshops held at 54 host cities across 24 countries in Asia.

All YGLP Alumni gets the option of applying to be certified as a YGLP Junior or Senior Fellow. Those selected proceeds to Oxford, UK, for the 7-day YGLP Fellow Program and are certified as YGLP Fellow at the YGLP convocation at Oxford.

The Asia School Rankings and Asia University Rankings will be released at the end of the YGLP Asia session at YGLP Convocation in Oxford. Institutes will be ranked both at the country level and continent level.

The performance of the institutes at YGLP Asia will carry 50% weightage in the rankings beside other determinants of competence in leadership development as considered by ALC Research Division.

STEP ONE | Checking Your Eligibility

  • 1. If you are in school, you must be enrolled between grade 6 and grade 12. If you are in college or university, your age should not be more than 25 years.
  • 2. Your country must have qualified to represent at the YGLP Asia and received an authorisation letter in this regard. Check list of YGLP qualified countries.
  • 3. Institutional recommendation is not required. All students grade 6 onward in a qualified country are eligible to register for YGLP

STEP TWO | Registering for YGLP Global Leadership Program

  • Click on the 'REGISTER' tab on top or bottom of this page. It will take you to the YGLP Global Leadership Program Registration Centre. Registration fee is 100 US Dollar that covers all costs of the program.

Applying for YGLP Fellow Program

  • All candidates completing the 12-month YGLP Global Leadership Program and certified as 'YGLP Alumni' are eligible to apply for being inducted as a YGLP Fellow. Selected candidates move to Oxford, UK, for the 7-day YGLP Fellow Program.